Kindergarten Curriculum
September –November:
- Trees Through the Seasons
December - February:
- Exploring Properties
March – June:
- All About Animals
Social Studies
September – October:
- School and School Community Citizens: Understanding civic ideas and practices
- What does it mean to be a member of a school community?
November – December:
- Self and others: Individual Development and Cultural Identity
- How are people alike and different?
January – March:
- Geography, people and the environment
- What makes a community?
April – June:
- Families, Change and Time: How are families the same and different?
Math – Go Math/Engage NY
September - October:
- Represent, Count, and Write numbers 0 to 5
October – November:
- Compare numbers to 5
November – December:
- Represent, count and write numbers 6 to 9
December – January:
- Represent and compare numbers to 10
January – February:
- Addition
February - March:
- Subtraction
March – April:
- Represent count and write 11 to 19
April - May:
- Represent, count, and write 20 and Beyond
May – June:
- Identify and describe 2 dimensional shapes
ELA – Teachers College
September - October:
- We are Readers!
- Launching the Writing Workshop
October - November:
- Emergent Reading: Looking Closely at Familiar Texts
- Looking Closely: Observing, labeling, and listing like scientists.
November - December:
- Super Powers: Reading with Print Strategies and Sight Word Power
- Writing for Readers
January - February:
- Bigger Books, Bigger Reading Muscles
- How – To – Books: Writing to Teach Others
February – March:
- Becoming Avid Readers
- Persuasive Writing of all Kinds
April – May:
- Growing Expertise in Little Books: Reading for Information
- All About Books
May – June:
- Readers are Resourceful: Tackling Hard words and Tricky Parts in our books
- Crafting stories using all we know about Narrative Writing